Tax Unit: | 48 - Lafayette | Tax Type: | Mobile Home |
Tax ID: | 02-048-1720083-9 | Year Assessed: | 2023 |
Amount to Certify: | 90.54 | Owner: | High Keli |
Mailing Address: | 815 Kimberly St | Mailing Address 2: | |
City: | Bluffton | State: | IN |
Zip Code: | 46714 | Country: | USA |
Description of Property: | 1969; Delta; 744; Woodlake Estates; 080b | Property Address: | 80 Spruce Knoll Dr Lot 080b |
Property Address 2: | Property City: | Yoder | |
Property Zip Code: | 46798 | Property Country: | USA |
Date Certified: | 03/12/2024 | Released: | No |
Vacated: | No |